Community Initiatives
Andy's Memorial Golf Tournament
Ryan Hull and family hosted the 3rd Annual Andy's Memorial Golf Tournament on Andy's own homemade golf course in Rimbey AB. The family put alot of work and effort into ensuring the golf course was prepped and ready for a full day of play, and they also supplied plenty of food and drinks, all of which were Andy's favorites!
Over the weekend, they were able to raise $3,510.00 for Andy's Playground, which was also matched by ConocoPhillips Canada, the company at which Ryan Hull works. This made a grand total of $7,020.00 donated to Andy's Playground.
We are very thankful for all of the hard work the Hull family contributed towards making this wonderful donation, and also grateful to ConocoPhillips for their donation.
Pure Yoga Karma Class
Pure Yoga in Fort Saskatchewan along with Irene Bobocel hosted a Karma Yoga class where registrants, by donation to Andy's Playground, enjoyed a wonderful evening of warm yoga all in support of Andy's Playground. We had 16 fabulous participants and raised a staggering $562.50!
Thank you so much to all the ladies and gentlemen who came out for the evening class. A special thank you also to Pure Yoga Studio, Brittney Brophy and Irene Bobocel for all your hard work and commitment to Andy's Playground.

Saint John XXIII Candy Challenge
Since starting Andy’s Playground initiative, we have had an overwhelming support from people all over the community. Even the youngest of supporters have been teaming up to do all they can to help raise funds for Andy’s Playground.
On May 29th, 2014, Kade Walker and Jacob Polansky hosted a candy challenge at their school in support of the playground. Children, parents and teachers were able to buy a guess for a chance to win the ultimate prize in the eyes of a child; candy! On June 1, 2014, Kade and Jacob were able to present the APCF with the money raised through their candy fundraiser!
APCF is so lucky to have young community members using their own initiative to help build Andy’s Playground!

Dannish Brothers Donate Summer Earnings for Andy’s Playground
Two local brothers Garren, 11, and Tylan, 10, worked through the hot summer days yard keeping at a local residents house. Rather than spending their earnings on themselves, they decided to pool their funds and donate to a cause which they deemed important to the community. The boys presented their earnings to the Andy Polanski Charitable Foundation to put towards Andy’s Playground.
The foundation was humbled by the spirit and generosity of the boys!
Thank you Garren and Tylan!

Local Man Puts VIP Tickets Up For Auction
On the morning of July 31st, 2014, APCF tuned into the local Mix 107.9 radio station to hear our local resident Tim Wozney had generously donated Big Valley VIP tickets to be put up for auction over the radio, with all proceeds to be donated to Andy’s Playground.
Thank you Tim for your generosity and support!
Rylan’s Birthday Bash
To children, birthdays are always a special day to look forward to. It’s a day with friends, laughter, treats and of course presents!
Rylan Polansky’s 7th birthday party this September 21st, 2014, was to be very special, but with a twist. Rylan decided that this birthday party would have the friends, laughter, birthday cake and treats as all the previous parties, but no presents. Rylan asked his friends to help him build a playground. He decided that he was going to ask all those who attended his birthday party to donate to Andy’s Playground instead of buying him a birthday present. Gathering all the donations from friends at the party, Rylan then presented his gift to the Andy Polanski Charitable Foundation to help build Andy’s Playground.
Thank you Rylan for such a precious donation!
“You cannot do a kindness too soon for you never know how soon it will be too late.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Andy's Memorial Golf Tournament
If you asked Andy where he grew up he would tell you that he had two homes. He would explain that Fort Saskatchewan was his home when he attended school, and Rimbey was his home over the summers. Being the 4th of 6 children, Andy would always joke that he never received any special attention at home but was spoiled in Rimbey by his Uncle Frank, Auntie Lorraine and cousins Ryan and Tara Hull. Andy’s lovable character and fun spirit was embraced by the Hull family. Here Andy would spend his summer days working alongside his uncle, auntie and cousins at their local hardware business, doing farm chores, mowing grass and keeping the Rimbey gopher population in check.
Andy had a passion for sports and golf was another sport he enjoyed. He was able to convince his uncle and auntie that a golf course in their yard was just what everyone needed! So with permission and only a design in mind, a yard golf course was born.
With assistance from Ryan and the local Rimbey golf course, construction began. After two years of back breaking labour and consisting of 9 holes weaving throughout the trees and flower beds in the yard, a pro course was born!
Here Andy would spend countless hours improving his golf game. Of course there was the occasional stray shot which could be detected by the marks left on the deck, fence and house, or by the divots found in the lawn. None the less it brought hours of fun and laughter to all those who would challenge Andy to a game of golf.
After Andy’s passing in May of 2013, the Hull family decided to keep Andy’s spirit and memory alive. On October 11, 2013, the first Andy’s Memorial Golf Tournament was created in full support of the APCF and Andy’s Playground initiative. Ryan Hull and family found all the original holes in the yard and the very first tournament was realized. It was a great time for all, with many tears, memories and laughter throughout the day.
This October 4th, 2014, Ryan Hull and family took the tournament to the next level. Hosting the 2nd Annual Andy’s Memorial Golf Tournament with 28 golf competitors of family and friends, this fantastic day raised $3050.00 for Andy’s Playground.
Thank you for all your support Hull family!
“It is not the objects you have once held but rather the fingerprints you leave behind” ~ Unknown